2010.01.20 高雄律師-楊岡儒律師
(Fingerprints are important information of a person, who shall have self-control of such fingerprinting information,which is protected under the right of information privacy.)
維護人性尊嚴與尊重人格自由發展,乃自由民主憲政秩序之核心價值。隱私權雖非憲法明文列舉之權利,惟基於人性尊嚴與個人主體性之維護及人格發展之完整,並為保障個人生活私密領域免於他人侵擾及個人資料之自主控制,隱私權乃為不可或缺之基本權利,而受憲法第二十二條所保障 (本院釋字第五八五號解釋參照) 。其中就個人自主控制個人資料之資訊隱私權而言,乃保障人民決定是否揭露其個人資料、及在何種範圍內、於何時、以何種方式、向何人揭露之決定權,並保障人民對其個人資料之使用有知悉與控制權及資料記載錯誤之更正權。惟憲法對資訊隱私權之保障並非絕對,國家得於符合憲法第二十三條規定意旨之範圍內,以法律明確規定對之予以適當之限制。
J. Y. Interpretation No.603 (excerpts from the No.603)
To preserve human dignity and to respect free development of personality is the core value of the constitutional structure of free democracy. Although the right of privacy is not among those rights specifically enumerated in the Constitution, it should nonetheless be considered as an indispensable fundamental right and thus protected under Article 22 of the Constitution for purposes of preserving human dignity, individuality and moral integrity, as well as preventing invasions of personal privacy and maintaining self-control of personal information. (See J. Y. Interpretation No. 585) As far as the right of information privacy is concerned, which regards the self-control of personal information, it is intended to guarantee that the people have the right to decide whether or not to disclose their personal information, and, if so, to what extent, at what time, in what manner and to what people such information will be disclosed. It is also designed to guarantee that the people have the right to know and control how their personal information will be used, as well as the right to correct any inaccurate entries contained in their information. Nevertheless, the Constitution does not make the right of information privacy absolute, which means that the State may impose appropriate restrictions on such right by enacting unambiguous laws as far as such laws do not transgress the scope contemplated by Article 23 of the Constitution.
楊岡儒律師 謹筆
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