消滅時效制度之目的在於尊重既存之事實狀態,及維持法律秩序之安 定,與公益有關,且與人民權利義務有重大關係,不論其係公法上或私法 上之請求權消滅時效,均須逕由法律明定,自不得授權行政機關衡情以命令訂定或由行政機關依職權以命令訂之,始符憲法第二十三條法律保留原 則之意旨(本院釋字第四七四號解釋參照)。
保險醫事服務機構向保險人申報其所提供醫療服務之點數,係行使本 於全民健康保險法有關規定所生之公法上請求權,而經保險人審查醫療服 務總點數及核算每點費用以核付其費用,其點數具有財產價值,故系爭規 定之申報期限即屬公法上請求權之消滅時效期間。是系爭規定就醫療服務 點數之申報,逕以命令規定公法上請求權之消滅時效期間,增加法律所無之限制,有違法律保留原則,侵害人民之財產權,與憲法第十五條及第二 十三條規定之意旨不符,應不予適用。
【 J. Y. Interpretation No.723 】 Reasoning
Is it unconstitutional to promulgate regulations to prescribe the two-year period for declaring National Health Insurance Medical Service Points?
The purpose of a statute of limitation is to respect pre-existing factual status and maintain the stability of the legal order, which pertains to public interest and significantly affects the rights and obligations of the people. Whether the statute of limitation is for rights of claim under public law or private law, it shall be expressly stipulated by law. Its stipulation shall not be delegated to the executive branch, nor shall it be stipulated in regulations promulgated by the executive branch by its own authority. Only then will the statute of limitation be considered to be consistent with the constitutional intention of the principle of legal reservation under Article 23 of the Constitution (with reference to J.Y. Interpretation No. 474).
In declaring the medical service points to the Insurer, the contracted medical care institution is exercising its rights of claim under public law based on relevant provisions of the National Health Insurance Act. After the Insurer has reviewed the total medical service points and calculated the expense amount for each point in order to pay the expense, those points then have property values. Thus, the declaration period provided by the Provision in Dispute is a statute of limitation on the rights of claim under public law. With regard to the declaration of medical service points, the Provision in Dispute hence uses an executive regulation to impose a statute of limitation on the rights of claim under public law. In so doing, it creates an extra restriction that is not mandated by law and that breaches the principle of legal reservation as well as infringing the right to property of the people. As such, it is inconsistent with the constitutional intention of Articles 15 and 23 of the Constitution, and therefore shall not be applicable.
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