2010.3.30 高雄律師-楊岡儒律師
按比例原則(der Grundsatz der Verhaeltnismaessigkeit in Weiteren Sinne, The Principle of Proportionality ,The Concept of Proportionality),為行政法及公法上之重要原則,其性質上屬「憲法層次」之位階,具有拘束行政、立法、司法之效力,故「行政行為」或「法制規範」均應遵守比例原則之規範,且應審酌憲法第二十三條要求之內涵。
2010.3.29 AM.2.05
大法官會議解釋:釋字第656號 (節錄)
J. Y. Interpretation No.656 (excerpts from the No.656)
The latter part of Article 195, Paragraph 1 of the Civil Code stipulates,“those whose reputation is injured may further petition for proper disposition to restore that reputation.” In the event such proper disposition for the restoration of reputation entails a judgment that orders a public apology but does not involve self-humiliation or degradation of humanity, it does not violate the Principle of Proportionality and does not contradict the freedom to withhold expression protected under Article 23 of the Constitution.
The right to reputation, necessary in the realization of human dignity, aims to maintain and protect the individual sovereignty and moral integrity. It is guaranteed under Article 22 of the Constitution (see J. Y. Interpretation Nos. 399, 486, 587 and 603). Article 195, Paragraph 1 of the Civil Code stipulates: “For any unlawful offense against the body, health, reputation, freedom, credibility, privacy, chastity of an individual, or aggravated unlawful infringement on other moral legal interests, the injured individual may petition for proper monetary compensation. Those whose reputation is injured may further petition for proper disposition to restore that reputation.” Based on the latter part of this provision (hereinafter “the disputed provision”), an individual whose reputation is injured may petition the court, in addition to monetary compensation, to render proper disposition to restore his/her reputation, taken into consideration the substantive circumstances of each case With regard to the means for restoring the reputation, numerous civil trial practices have used the publication of apologies on the newspaper as the proper disposition to restore reputation, and incorporate [this method] into judicial precedents.
In accordance with the meaning and purpose of J. Y. Interpretation No. 577, people’s freedom of speech under Article 11 of the Constitution protects not only the active freedom of expression, but also the passive freedom to withhold expression. Given that the disputed provision entails a court-imposed public apology on the newspaper, it necessarily touches upon the freedom to withhold expression under Article 11 of the Constitution. While the State may impose limitations on the freedom to withhold expression in accordance with law, given that there may be a wide variety of causes to withhold, the inner beliefs and values that concern morality, ethics, justice, conscience, and faith are essential to the spiritual activities and self-determination of individuals, and are indispensable for to maintain and protect the individual sovereignty and moral integrity. (see Judicial Interpretation No.603). Hence, in the case where it is necessary to limit the offender’s freedom to withhold expression so that the reputation of the injured party may be restored, [the court] should carefully weigh in the severity of the unlawful infringement on the moral interest against the contents of the imposed expression before rendering a proper decision so as to comply with the Principle of Proportionality under Article 23 of the Constitution.
(來電時間:AM9:00 ~12:00及PM1:30~ 5:30)