2010.2.23 高雄律師-楊岡儒律師
--釋字654號解釋,於刑事訴訟程序之人權保障(受羈押被告之防禦權;The Right to Defend by the Accused in Custody),是一個非常重要的躍進,真的很歡喜看到大法官們做出如此先進的解釋。按對於受羈押之被告,於偵查或審判程序中,仍應恪守『無罪推定原則』,故關於其憲法上人權之保障仍應與一般人民相同,並不因其受到羈押之客觀狀態而改變,因此如任意以受羈押被告與辯護人接見時之監聽、錄音等資訊,作為偵查或審判上認定被告本案犯罪事實之證據,自屬於妨害被告防禦權之行使,進而牴觸憲法第十六條訴訟權之保障。
2010.2.23 AM12.02
羈押法第二十三條第三項規定,律師接見受羈押被告時,有同條第二項應監視之適用,不問是否為達成羈押目的或維持押所秩序之必要,亦予以監聽、錄音,違反憲法第二十三條比例原則之規定,不符憲法保障訴訟權之意旨;同法第二十八條之規定,使依同法第二十三條第三項對受羈押被告與辯護人接見時監聽、錄音所獲得之資訊,得以作為偵查或審判上認定被告本案犯罪事實之證據,在此範圍內妨害被告防禦權之行使,牴觸憲法第十六條保障訴訟權之規定。前開羈押法第二十三條第三項及第二十八條規定,與本解釋意旨不符部分,均應自 中華民國九十八年五月一日 起失其效力。
J. Y. Interpretation No.654 (excerpts from the No.654)
Article 23, Paragraph 3 of the Detention Act provides that when a counsel visits an accused in custody, the visitation shall be under surveillance pursuant to Paragraph 2 of the same Article. Subjecting visitation to surveillance and audio-recording without considering whether such surveillance achieve the purpose of detention or is necessary in maintaining the order of the detention facility violates the principle of proportionality under Article 23 of the Constitution and is inconsistent with the meaning and purpose of the Constitution to protect the right to litigate. Article 28 of the same Act provides that information obtained through surveillance and audio-recording during visitation in accordance with Article 23, Paragraph 3 may be admitted into evidence against the accused during investigation or on trial impinges upon the exercise of the right to defend by the accused and contradicts the right to litigate stipulated under Article 16 of the Constitution. The aforementioned Article 23, Paragraphs 3, and Article 28 of the Detention Act not in conformity with this judicial interpretation shall be ineffective as of May 1st, 2009.
Article 1, Paragraph 2 of the Organization Principles of Detention Facilities provides that: “Matters concerning the detention of an accused are subject to the supervision of the district court and its prosecutory office in the same venue.” This is an internal administrative supervision within an agency, not an authorization to carry out surveillance or audio-recording. Thus it does not incur any issue of constitutionality.
大法官釋字654號理由書(節錄) :
No.654 Reasoning (excerpts)
Article 16 of the Constitution provides people with the right to litigate. Its purpose is to safeguard the people’s right to a fair trial so that a criminal defendant is entitled to full right to defend under due process of law, which includes, among other things, the selection of an entrusted counsel. The right to defend cannot be functional until a criminal defendant receives concrete and effective protection by exercising the right to counsel assistance. Consequently, the essence for counsel to assist the criminal defendant in exercising the right to defend lies in their free and unrestricted communications, and is subject to constitutional protection. While exercising the aforementioned right of free and unrestricted communications may, under certain circumstances, be limited by law, such limitations must comply with the principle of proportionality under Article 23 of the Constitution and must be concrete and precise in accordance with the meaning and purpose of the Constitution so that it is not contradictory to Article 16 of the Constitution.
While the physical freedom or other constitutional rights of a detainee are limited by law because of the detention, under the doctrine of presumption of innocence, the detainee nevertheless enjoys, in principle, other constitutional rights outside of the scope [of such limitations] as an ordinary person (see J. Y. Interpretation No. 653). Isolated from outside world, the only means for a detainee to engage in free and unrestricted communications so as to safeguard the right to defend is through counsel’s visitation. Article 23, Paragraph 3 of the Detention Act provides that Paragraph 2 on “under surveillance” shall apply in the event the counsel visits a detainee. Taking into consideration the meaning and purpose of Detention Act and its Implementation Rules as well as the totality of the legal system, the term “surveillance” entails not only on-site monitoring by the detention facility personnel, but also eavesdropping, recordation and audio-recording, among other acts. Under current practices, counsel visitation is routinely monitored and recorded pursuant to the aforementioned statutory provisions. These provisions, which allow a detention facility to conduct surveillance and audio-recording without considering whether it achieves the purpose of detention or is necessary in maintaining the order of the detention facility, has hindered the exercise of the right to defend and exceeded the scope of necessity, thus violates the principle of proportionality under Article 23 of the Constitution and is inconsistent with the meaning and purpose of the Constitution to protect the right to litigate. However, for the need to maintain order in the detention facility, the mere visual monitoring without probing into the contents does not contradict the meaning and purpose of the Constitution concerning the protection of the right to litigate.
(來電時間:AM9:00 ~12:00及PM1:30~ 5:30)